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يمكنك هنا تنزيل ملف حزمة تطبيق أندرويد "Sira" الخاصة بجهازMotorola Moto G6 Plus مجانًا، نسخة ملف حزمة تطبيق أندرويد - 2.0 للتحميل على Motorola Moto G6 Plus اضغط ببساطة على هذا الزر. إنه سهل وآمن. نحن نقدم فقط ملفات حزمة تطبيق أندرويد الأصلية. إذا انتهكت أية مواد موجودة في الموقع حقوقك قم بإبلاغنا من خلال
Teach your kid the story of Islam in an interactive and engaging way. Learn positive values like trustworthiness, honesty and many others from the Seerah Life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his Companions. Suitable for everyone muslim and non-muslim kids.
Probably the most important and Best Islamic App for kids about the Sira (Seerah) of life prophet Muhammad for your children!
Your kids will learn positive values like trustworthiness, honesty and many other such values. It is a perfect tool to encourage a discussion between parents and kids about the life of Prophet Muhammad (s). This Sira (Seerah) Islamic app that every parent should have for their children to learn the story of Prophet Muhammad (s).
The Sira (Seerah) consists of seven episodes full of dramatic and authentic events from the Prophet’s life (Sira). Downloaded now and get first episodes for FREE.
Key Features:
- Stunning visuals and interactive elements
- Specially composed music (with the option of switching off)
- Every character has his/her own voice-over
- Innovative interface
- Authentic events from the Sira
The Sira is brought you in partnership with Awakening Worldwide. All content has been approved by Awqaf Abu Dhabi and National Media Council UAE.
Note: Prophet Muhammad (s), his wives, and the ten companions promised Paradise including Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali (ra) have not been illustrated.
Download the Sira (Seerah) life of prophet muhammad Islamic app now and enjoy the first episode for free, for a limited time.
For more you can visit: https://sira.co